Money Advice and Support for families
If you are caring for a child under the age of 18 we can offer you practical, financial and emotional support. The friendly Children 1st team can help you with money worries like managing bills and dealing with debt, as well as supporting you to cope with stress. We can also help with benefits. Get in touch to make an appointment or ask at the Community Hub at 42 John Street, Penicuik (next to the Post Office) to find out how we can help you.


Children 1st Parentline can offer financial, practical and emotional support for you and your family. Talk to us free on 08000 28 22 33 or chat to us online:

When can I speak with someone?
We offer in-person appointments at the Penicuik Hub between 11am and 2.30pm on Thursdays. We may be able to see you without an appointment, so please drop in!

Telephone appointments are available throughout the week.


Children 1st Parentline can offer financial, practical and emotional support for you and your family. Talk to us free on 08000 28 22 33 or chat to us online: